Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3235. undue

今天我们要学的词是 undue. undue 的意思是过分的,过度的。Singapore’s universities tend to place undue emphasis on journal-friendly research that helps them climb international rankings. 新加坡的大学倾向于过分看重学术期刊所推崇的研究课题,这有助于它们提升在国际上的排名。 With all the traveling and shopping during the holiday season…

学个词 – 3223. concoct

今天我们要学的词是 concoct. concoct 通常指食品、饮料的调制、配制。Beijing has banned nearly 40 new fentanyl-like painkillers, but opioid chemists there can still concoct new narcotics to get around customs blacklists. 北京已经禁止了近40种类似芬太尼的止痛药,但当地的阿片类药物专家们仍然可以制造出新的麻醉剂来躲避海关黑名单。 Researchers were interested in…