Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3221. rescind

今天我们要学的词是 rescind. rescind 的意思是撤销,废止。French President Macron officially “abandoned” his proposed “fuel tax”, with government officials confirming the leader rescinded the tariff after widespread protests. 法国总统马克龙正式“放弃”他提出的“燃油税”,政府官员证实这位领导人在法国发生大范围抗议之后取消了征税计划。 Dozens of universities around the…

学个词 – 3220. lenient

今天我们要学的词是 lenient. lenient 是指处罚或判决的宽大处理、从轻发落。 Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team recommended a lenient sentence for former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and no jail time. 特别检察官穆勒的团队建议对前国家安全顾问迈克尔·弗林的判决从轻发落,不需入狱服刑。 The Big Tech…

学个词 – 3215. runoff

今天我们要学的词是runoff. runoff 是指竞选无法分出胜负的情况下进行的决选。 Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith wins the Mississippi Senate runoff vote in an election that critics say was racially charged. 共和党人辛迪·海德-史密斯在密西西比州的参议院决选中胜出,批评人士说这次选举充满种族歧视。 Runoff也指地表的水流,Surface runoff is the flow of water that…

学个词 – 3211. rev up

今天我们要学的词是 rev up. rev 用作动词是指引擎转速加快,常常和up连用,意思就是加速。Italy’s big budget, intended to rev up the economy and help businesses, is instead likely to set back those efforts. 意大利巨大的预算原本是要推动经济发展和帮助企业,但却正在挫败这些努力。 The Federal Reserve continued to…

学个词 – 3207. acrimonious

今天我们要学的词是 acrimonious. acrimonious 的意思是尖刻的、充满火药味的。An acrimonious meeting of world leaders in Papua New Guinea failed to deliver a final communique, highlighting widening divisions between global powers China and the U.S.. 世界各国领导人在巴布亚新几内亚的充满火药味的会谈导致无法就联合公报最终达成一致,突显出中美两个全球大国之间日益扩大的分歧。…