Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3191. gripe

今天我们要学的词是 gripe. Gripe 的意思是抱怨,特别是对一些微不足道的事情。 Former President Barack Obama griped about the media and Fox News on Friday, returning to old complaints he had expressed as president. 美国前总统奥巴马近日发泄对新闻媒体和福克斯新闻台的不满,又回到他身为总统时的陈词老调。 A new National…

学个词 – 3189. apprehend

今天我们要学的词是 apprehend。 Apprehend 的一个解释是拘捕、拘押,The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended nearly 400,000 people who were attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border during the 2018 fiscal year. 美国边境巡逻队在2018财政年度逮捕了近40万试图越过美墨边境的人。 Apprehend的另一个意思是理解、领会, The Saudi Crown Prince…

学个词 – 3187. ambiguity

今天我们要学的词是 ambiguity。 ambiguity 的意思是不明确,模棱两可的。Ambiguity over what the Brexit deal might be has pushed investors to protect themselves aginst – or make money from – further falls in the pound. 对于英国脱欧可能达成什么样协议的不确定性让投资者们准备为英镑进一步下跌做出自我保护,或者从中赚钱。…

学个词 – 3185. grapple

今天我们要学的词是 grapple. grapple 的原意是扭打,搏斗,grapple with 就是设法应付,努力克服的意思。U.S. tech giants such as Facebook and Google in recent months have grappled with high-profile data breaches that have undermined consumers’ trust. 脸书和谷歌等美国科技巨头近几个月来正在努力应对备受瞩目的数据泄露事件,这些事件损害了消费者的信任。 The trade…

学个词 – 3183. high stakes

今天我们要学的词是 high-stakes. High-stakes 原意是赌注高,风险大,引申下来是指事关重大。Harvard University is fighting accusations that its admissions office racially discriminated against Asian-American students in a high-stakes affirmative action case in federal court. 在联邦法庭审理的一起至关重要的平权法案诉讼案中,哈佛大学反击针对其招生办公室对亚裔美国学生种族歧视的指控。 The UK Brexit…

学个词 – 3181. falter

今天我们要学的词是 falter. falter 是减弱,动摇,畏缩不前的意思。Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, whose well-funded bid is to unseat GOP Sen. Ted Cruz has faltered in the polls in recent weeks. 得克萨斯州众议员奥罗克竞选资金雄厚,试图取代现任共和党籍参议员克鲁兹,但他在最近几周的民意调查中势头减弱。 Saudi Arabia’s economic dreams…