Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3160. perception 

今天我们要学的词是 perception. Perception的意思是看法、认识,认知,The events of Sept. 11 permanently changed America’s perception of security and prompted then-President George W. Bush to declare war on terrorism and invade Afghanistan,9-11事件永久改变了美国人对国家安全的看法,促使时任总统小布什向恐怖主义宣战并入侵阿富汗。According to a recent…

学个词 – 3156. lodestar

今天我们要学的词是 lodestar. Lodestar is spelled l-o-d-e-s-t-a-r, lodestar. Lodestar是指指引航线的星斗,特别是北极星,引申下来也指帮助指明方向的领路人。这个词现在很少用,但在纽约时报最近一篇批评特朗普总统的匿名文章中出现,We may no longer have Senator McCain, but we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life…

学个词 – 3154. synchronize

今天我们要学的词是 synchronize。 Synchronize的意思是同步,Trump administration proposes to shut down the government-funded telephone time-of-day service, which is also used to synchronize time-keeping devices, 特朗普政府提议关闭政府出资的电话播报标准时间的服务,这项服务也用于保持计时设备的时间同步。These vital infrastructure projects synchronize perfectly with Nigerian’s Economic…

学个词 – 3152. curtail

今天我们要学的词是curtail。 Curtail 的意思是减少、缩短,削减。China’s education ministry moves to curtail screen time for games to prevent myopia among students,中国教育部采取措施减少学生玩电子游戏时间,以避免他们眼睛近视。Japan’s nuclear reboot gathers pace, set to curtail demand for liquefied natural gas,日本正在加速重启核发电站,目的是要削减对液化天然气的需求。

学个词 – 3151. tribute

今天我们要学的词是 tribute. Tribute 的意思是致敬,表达敬意。Music fans from different genres and generations are paying tribute to soul singer Aretha Franklin across the globe,全球各地不同流派、不同世代的音乐爱好者们向灵魂歌后艾瑞莎富兰克林表达敬意。 World Humanitarian Day pays tribute to humanitarian workers killed…

学个词 – 3150. scrap

今天我们要学的词是 scrap。 Scrap 用作动词的时候是取消、作废的意思。China is mulling scrapping its controversial birth restrictions, reversing nearly four decades of family planning policies as birth rates fall,由于出生率下降,中国正在考虑废除其有争议的生育限制,扭转近四十年的计划生育政策。Scrap 用作名词指的是边角料、废料,Every small scrap of paper found on…

学个词 – 3149. prop up

今天我们要学的词是 prop up。 Prop up的原意是指托住、支撑,以免倒塌,引申出来有帮助、鼓励、支持的意思。The US Department of Agriculture has proposed to spend US$4.7 billion to prop up farmers hurt by tariffs, 美国农业部计划拿出47亿美元帮助农民,以减轻关税造成的痛苦。Prop up 多带有临时性,例如China looks to prop up its…

学个词 – 3148. midterm

今天我们要学的词是 midterm。Midterm 指的是在学期、任期到了中间的时候。He stayed up all night studying for midterm math exam,他熬了一个通宵复习数学期中考试。Midterm 在美国政治中即指midterm elections,中期选举,The president previously backed the prison reform plan but will reportedly wait until after the midterm elections,总统先前支持这个监狱改革计划,但据报道他将等到中期选举之后再决定;Thousands…

学个词 – 3147. populist

今天我们要学的词是 populist。Populist 指的是“民粹主义者”,Italy’s new populist government has moved to scrap a new high-speed railway line between London and Milan, damning the project as a potential waste of money,意大利新上任的民粹政府已经将伦敦和米兰之间计划修建的新高铁项目取消,批评这个项目将会浪费金钱。Populist 也可用作复数,Europe’s centrists…