Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3144. curtail

今天我们要学的词是 curtail. Curtail 做为动词,有缩减的意思。Technology companies, who have traditionally adopted a hands-off policy, are now struggling to curtail online offensive speech. 传统上往往采取不干预政策的高科技公司,如今却在努力设法减少网上的攻击性言论。The state of Maryland is telling three power plants to…

学个词 – 3142. conservative

今天我们要学的词是 conservative. Conservative 做为形容词,是保守的意思。Twitter has been criticized by some conservative figures for censoring conservative voices. 推特受到一些保守派人物的批评,指责推特对保守派言论进行审查。Facebook has apologized for removing some of the content from a conservative education site. 脸书为移除一个保守派教育网站在其脸书帐户上的某些内容表示道歉。好的,我们今天学习的词是conservative,…

学个词 – 3136. outnumber

今天我们要学的词是 outnumber. Outnumber 动词,意思是在数量上超过。Anti-racist protesters far outnumbered the white supremacists who rallied across from the White House last Sunday. 上星期天在白宫对面集会的反种族歧视抗议者的人数远远超过了白人至上主义者的人数。U.S. employers posted slightly more job openings in June than the…

学个词 – 3134. outstanding

今天我们要学的词是 outstanding. Outstanding 作为形容词,有尚存的,剩余的意思。The Mexican Economy Minister said talks with the U.S. to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement would cover all outstanding issues. 墨西哥经济部长说,围绕修订北美自由贸易协定与美国进行的会谈将涉及所有遗留问题。Two U.S. Senators introduced a…

学个词 – 3133. rigged

今天我们要学的词是 rigged. Rigged 形容词,意思是作弊的,暗中操纵的。Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Nelson Chamisa claimed that the presidential election was rigged against him. 津巴布韦反对党领导人查米萨称,这次的总统大选有人舞弊,目的是为了让他落选。A week after the voters went to the polls, leaders of some of…