Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3113. rescind

今天我们要学的词是rescind. Rescind作为动词,有撤销,废除的意思。The Trump administration has rescinded policies that direct colleges and universities to increase diversity by considering race in college admissions. 川普政府废除了要求大学在录取过程中考虑种族因素以便提升学生多元化的政策。Amnesty International called on the Ugandan government to rescind…

学个词 – 3112. separatist

今天我们要学的词是separatist. Separatist是分离主义者的意思。Six jailed Catalan separatist politicians have been moved to prisons closer to their homes. 六名被关押的加泰罗尼亚分离主义政治人物已经被转移到离他们住家更近的监狱关押。Separatist and far-right attacks have increased in Europe, particularly in the U.K., according to the…

学个词 – 3109. approach

今天我们要学的词是approach. Approach作为名词,有方式方法的意思。President Donald Trump endorsed U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s approach to restricting Chinese investments in U.S. technology companies. 美国总统川普支持美国财政部长姆努钦限制中国投资美国高科技公司的做法。German Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized the need for a European approach…

学个词 – 3108. upgrade

今天我们要学的词是upgrade. Upgrade做为动词,有升级的意思。A monitoring group says satellite imagery has shown that North Korea is making rapid upgrades to a nuclear research facility. 一个监督组织说,卫星图片显示,朝鲜正在对朝鲜的一个核研究设施进行快速改善升级。Royal Caribbean Cruise Line invested $120 million to upgrade…

学个词 – 3105. pinpoint

今天我们要学的词是pinpoint. Pinpoint动词,意思是精准定位。The U.S. Supreme Court imposed limits on the ability of police to obtain cellphone data pinpointing the past location of criminal suspects. 美国联邦最高法院对警察获取手机数据,定位刑事犯罪嫌疑人过往所在位置的权力加以限制。Apple is trying to automatically deliver reliable…

学个词 – 3101. reunite

今天我们要学的词是reunite. Reunite作为动词,有团聚,重逢的意思。U.S. President Donald Trump told federal agencies to reunite immigrant families separated after illegally crossing into the country from Mexico. 美国总统川普下令联邦机构,让那些从墨西哥非法入境后被分开的家庭团聚。However, experts say there is no system in place…

学个词 – 3100. original

今天我们要学的词是original. Original做为形容词,有原创的意思。Apple Inc. announced a multiyear deal with media mogul Oprah Winfrey to create original content. 苹果公司宣布,已经与媒体巨人奥普拉·温弗瑞达成多年合约,由温弗瑞为苹果公司提供原创内容。As part of Apple’s push into original programming, Apple is also reportedly talking to…