Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3078. salvage

今天我们要学的词是salvage. Salvage动词,有拯救,挽救的意思。South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s visit to Washington on Tuesday was focused on how to salvage the upcoming Trump-Kim summit. 韩国总统文在寅星期二访问华盛顿,重点目的是要设法挽救即将举行的川普和金正恩的峰会。Britain, France and Germany are trying to salvage economic…

学个词 – 3077. slum

今天我们要学的词是slum. Slum贫民窟。The United Nations human rights chief has slammed Israel, saying that 1.9 million people in Gaza are “caged in a toxic slum from birth to death.” 联合国人权事务高级专员批评以色列,说加沙地带190万人“从生到死一直都被关在毒气冲天的贫民窟牢笼里”。Four members of…

学个词 – 3074. subject to

今天我们要学的词是subject to. Subject to形容词,有受制于,被迫接受的意思。U.S. diplomats and embassy staff in Pakistan have recently complained of being subject to searches and questioning by intelligence officials when leaving the embassy compound. 美国驻巴基斯坦外交官和使馆工作人员最近抱怨说,离开使馆会受到巴基斯坦情报官员的搜查和问讯。New U.S.…

学个词 – 3073. symbolic

今天我们要学的词是symbolic. Symbolic形容词,意思是有象征性的,有象征意义的。Two black men arrested for sitting in a Philadelphia Starbucks without ordering anything settled with the city for a symbolic $1 each. 在费城一家星巴克因光坐着,不点东西被捕的两名黑人男子跟费城市政府和解,每人接受了政府象征性的一美元赔偿。In a symbolic move, The United States…

学个词 – 3070. turmoil

今天我们要学的词是turmoil. Turmoil 名词,意思是混乱。A suicide-attack against the headquarters of the Libyan electoral commission has thrown plans for parliamentary and presidential elections into turmoil. 利比亚选举委员会受到的自杀式袭击让利比亚的国会和总统选举计划陷入了混乱状态。The Swedish Academy decided not to give the…

学个词 – 3069. follower

今天我们要学的词是follower. Follower 名词,追随者,粉丝。European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says German philosopher Karl Marx shouldn’t be judged for the crimes that his followers committed decades after his death. 欧盟委员会主席容克说,不应该用德国哲学家马克思去世后他的追随者们犯下的罪行来评价他。Indian Prime Minister Narendra…

学个词 – 3067. temporary

今天我们要学的词是temporary. Temporary形容词,临时的。The Trump administration will end temporary protections for immigrants in the United States from Honduras, leaving potentially 57,000 people vulnerable to deportation. 川普政府将终止对美国境内洪都拉斯移民的临时保护,5万7千多人可能因此面临遣返。The Venezuelan government announced its decision to…

学个词 – 3064. warfare

今天我们要学的词是warfare. Warfare战争。Russia has aggressively engaged in information warfare against the West for a decade, said a declassified U.S congressional panel report. 美国国会一个小组委员会新近解密的报告称,俄罗斯过去十年里一直在积极展开对西方国家的信息战。The Trump administration has sent to Congress its national…