Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3061. redacted

今天我们要学的词是redacted. Redacted 形容词,意思是内容经审查后被遮盖的。 The Republican-led House intelligence committee released a redacted report, saying it found no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. 共和党人领导的众议院情报委员会公布了一份部分内容被遮盖的报告,称没有发现川普竞选团队在2016年总统大选中跟俄罗斯勾结的证据。…

学个词 – 3060. irreversible

今天我们要学的词是irreversible. Irreversible 形容词,不可逆转的。The European Union’s top diplomat welcomed North Korea’s announcement of stopping nuclear tests, and called for an “irreversible denuclearization” of North Korea. 欧盟首席外交官对朝鲜宣布停止核试验表示欢迎,并敦促朝鲜“不可逆转地去核化”。Scientists say that global warming has…

学个词 – 3059. malign

今天我们要学的词是malign. Malign 作为形容词,有恶意的意思。Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted the company had not been proactive in safeguarding its users from misuse of data or those sowing malign messages. 脸书首席执行官扎克伯格承认,脸书没有主动采取措施,保护用户不受数据滥用或恶意信息传播的伤害。British lawmakers set up…

学个词 – 3057. liable

今天我们要学的词是liable. Liable 形容词,有责任的,需要承担责任的。U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would implement the harshest penalties yet on drugmakers found liable for contributing to the drug epidemic. 美国联邦参议员伯尼·桑德斯提出一项议案,要求对吸毒泛滥负有责任的处方药制造商施加最严厉的惩罚。An appeals court in…

学个词 – 3051. stance

今天我们要学的词是stance. Stance名词,立场。French President Emmanuel Macron sharpened his stance on Syria, claiming that France has “proof” of a chemical attack earlier in April. 法国总统马克龙强化对叙利亚的立场,称法国掌握了叙利亚四月份早些时候发动化学武器攻击的“证据”。U.S. President Donald Trump ordered his top economic…

学个词 – 3050. quota

今天我们要学的词是quota. Quota 作为名词,是配额,限额的意思。A group is suing Harvard University for discrimination against Asian-American students and comparing its admission process to an illegal quota system. 一个团体正在起诉哈佛大学,指责哈佛在录取程序中对亚裔美国学生不平等对待,称这一程序好似非法的限额系统。The Department of Justice announced that it…