Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3044. anonymous

今天我们要学的词是anonymous. Anonymous形容词,匿名的。An anonymous donor has pledged $9 million for the construction of two new Planned Parenthood health centers in West Texas. 一名匿名捐款人捐赠900万美元,用于在得克萨斯州西部为计划生育联盟建造两个新的健康医疗中心。Wall Street Journal staffers circulated an anonymous email accusing…

学个词 – 3042. summon

今天我们要学的词是summon. Summon动词,有召见,传唤的意思。The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned envoys of foreign states that expelled Russian diplomats to hand them notes of protest and inform them of Russia’s retaliatory measures. 俄罗斯外交部召见了驱逐俄罗斯外交官的外国特使,向他们提出抗议书,并告知俄罗斯将采取报复性措施。Former South African…

学个词 – 3041. privatize

今天我们要学的词是privatize. Privatize 私有化。David Shulkin, who President Donald Trump fired as Veterans Affairs secretary, warned that privatizing Veterans Affairs services could hurt veterans. 被川普总统解除职务的前退伍军人事务部部长舒尔金警告说,退伍军人服务的私有化会给退伍军人带来伤害。The White House says the firing of David…

学个词 – 3037. committed

今天我们要学的词是committed. Committed 做为形容词,有坚定的意思。Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook is committed to stop anyone from interfering in the upcoming midterm congressional elections through Facebook. 扎克伯格表示,脸书将坚决防止任何人通过脸书干预即将到来的美国国会中期选举。Indian President Ram Nath Kovind said that India is…