Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3031. walkout

今天我们要学的词是walkout. Walkout 做为名词,有罢工,罢课的意思。Students from around 3,000 schools took part in a nationwide walkout to protest Congressional failure to address gun violence. 全美各地约3千所学校的学生参加了全国性罢课活动,对国会针对枪支暴力事件的不作为提出抗议。West Virginia Governor James C. Justice signed a bill…

学个词 – 3026. amendment

今天我们要学的词是amendment. Amendment 修正案。The National Rifle Association (NRA) is suing the state of Florida for enacting gun control legislation, arguing that it violates the Second Amendment of the Constitution. 美国全国步枪协会对佛罗里达州通过的枪支管制法案提出起诉,称其违反了美国宪法第二修正案。好的,我们今天学习的词是amendment, amendment,…

学个词 – 3024. gravely

今天我们要学的词是gravely。Gravely副词,意思是严重得、严肃得。With three northern white rhinos left in the world, the only male is gravely ill, raising fears the subspecies is getting closer to extinction. 全世界仅剩的三头北部白犀牛中,唯一的雄性病入膏肓,增加了人们对于这个亚种群更进一步趋向灭绝的担忧。Canada is gravely concerned by the…

学个词 – 3023. propagandist

今天我们要学的词是propagandist。Propagandist名词,意思是宣传者。The US news site the Daily Beast has claimed that Russian propagandists targeted the popular news-sharing website Reddit to influence American political debate. 美国新闻网站《每日野兽》指称,俄罗斯宣传人员对准备受欢迎的新闻分享网站Reddit来影响美国的政治辩论。At the height of the 2016 American…

学个词 – 3021. scrutinize

今天我们要学的词是scrutinize。Scrutinize动词,意思是仔细检查。US counterintelligence officials are scrutinizing one of Ivanka Trump’s international business deals, according to two sources familiar with the matter. 据两名了解情况人士表示,美国反情报官员正在详查伊万卡·川普的一笔国际贸易交易。Federal inspectors found scores of New Jersey Transit train cars…

学个词 – 3018. descend on

今天我们要学的词是descend on. Descend on,意思是突然袭击、涌入。Foreign immigrants continue to descend on Sydney, making it their gap-year playground, lifestyle retreat or refuge from danger. 外国移民继续涌入悉尼,把这里作为他们的间隔年旅游胜地、度假中心或是逃离危险的避难所。A mix of snow, ice pellets, rain and freezing…