Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2955. prone

今天我们要学的词是 prone. Prone 形容词,更易于,更倾向于。A study finds that frequent drivers and those with neurotic and extroverted personalities are more prone to distraction while driving. 一项研究发现,经常开车的人,以及那些神经质和性格外向的人开车时更容易分心。Research suggests that African Americans are more…

学个词 – 2952. inadequate

今天我们要学的词是inadequate. Inadequate 形容词,不充分的。Texas Governor Greg Abbott criticized the Trump administration’s $44 billion disaster relief request to Congress as “completely inadequate.” 德克萨斯州州长阿伯特批评川普政府向国会提出的440亿美元的救灾拨款要求“根本不够”。An Uber rider is suing the company for inadequate background…

学个词 – 2950. disclose

今天我们要学的词是 disclose. Disclose动词,意思是公布,公开。Online payment company Paypal was given 45 days to hand over information about its Canadian account holders to the Canadian Revenue Agency. 网上支付服务商“贝宝”被要求在45天内,将贝宝在加拿大的用户信息上交给加拿大税务局。The Pentagon disclosed base-by-base sexual assault…