Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2324. resort

今天我们要学的词是 resort. Resort 有度假胜地的意思。The terrorist group Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack which killed 38 people at a beach resort in Tunisia. 恐怖组织伊斯兰国宣称,突尼斯一个海边度假村发生的恐怖袭击事件是他们一手制造的,这次袭击事件共造成38人死亡。The Philippines has started building the “world’s…

学个词 – 2323. hostage 

今天我们要学的词是 hostage. Hostage 人质。美国政府关于人质问题的政策最近发生了变化。Families who try to pay ransom to win the release of American hostages will no longer face the threat of prosecution. 人质家属通过支付赎金让人质获得自由,今后不会再因此而受到面临政府起诉的威胁。据报道,30 Americans are being held hostage…

学个词 – 2322. overstep

今天我们要学的词是 overstep. To overstep 有逾越的意思。Texas Senator Ted Cruz criticized the Supreme Court for overstepping its bounds in both legalizing same-sex marriage and upholding Obamacare. 美国德克萨斯州参议员特德.克鲁兹批评说,联邦最高法院在让同性婚姻合法化和支持奥巴马医保改革法案的两项裁决上都越权了。不久前,South African President Jacob Zuma warned…

学个词 – 2318. supremacist

今天我们要学的词是 supremacist. Supremacist 至上主义者。一名白人男子在美国南卡罗来纳州黑人教堂打死九人后,White supremacists quickly distanced themselves from the suspect. 白人至上主义者迅速跟枪击案嫌疑人划清界限。与此同时,Records show the leader of a white supremacist group whose website may have inspired the shooting suspect, has donated…