Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3381. imminent

今天我们要学的词是 imminent. imminent 的意思是紧急的,迫在眉睫的。Along with helping Pakistan deal with its imminent economic woes, China has also expressed interest in building a naval base in Jiwani in southwest Pakistan. 中国除了在帮助巴基斯坦应对紧迫的经济困境之外,还表示有兴趣在巴基斯坦南部的吉沃尼建立一个海军基地。 Turkey…

学个词 – 3377. prevalent

今天我们要学的词是 prevalent. prevalent 的意思是流行的、普遍的。 A recent congressional hearing has highlighted U.S. lawmakers’ concerns that foreign cybersecurity attacks have become more prevalent in this digital age. 美国国会最近一次听证会突显出,议员们对来自境外的网络安全攻击在当今数字时代变得越来越普遍感到担忧。 While many argue that…