Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2151. high-profile

今天我们要学的词是 high-profile. High-profile 两个单词中间用横杠相连,做形容词,意思是高调的,高知名度的。苹果公司首席执行官库克出柜。Mr. Cook has become the most high-profile gay man in the corporate world. 库克因此成为企业界知名度最高的同性恋。民调显示,马里兰州长选举两位参选人旗鼓相当。Both candidates have been getting high-profile support in recent weeks. 两位候选人最近几周都得到了大牌知名人士的支持。好的,今天我们学习的词是 high-profile, high-profile, high-profile…

学个词 – 2150. manual

今天我们要学的词是 manual. Manual 做为名词,有手册,指南的意思。伊斯兰国激进分子依靠社交媒体扩大自身影响,不过,他们也担心社交媒体会给自己安全带来危害。金融时报说,An instruction manual on online behavior was recently distributed to ISIS members. 伊斯兰国最近向成员发放了一份网上行为的使用指南。The benchmark of coffee chains, Starbucks, overhauled its employee manual, including an update on the…

学个词 – 2146. ransom

今天我们要学的词是 ransom. Ransom 名词,意思是赎金。美国财政部说,ISIS has made at least $20 million from ransom payments this year. 伊斯兰国今年光赎金收入就至少有两千万美元。美国财政部一位高级官员表示,Every country must adopt and implement a no-ransom policy to avoid bankrolling our adversary. 要想不成为敌人的金库,每个国家都应该采取并落实拒绝支付赎金的政策。France,…

学个词 – 2145. skyscraper

今天我们要学的词是 skyscraper. Skyscraper 摩天大楼。泰国一家地产开发商准备在曼谷盖一栋摩天大楼。It will be the world’s ninth tallest skyscraper when it is completed in 2019. 这座大楼2019年建成后将是世界上第九高的摩天大楼。英国伦敦一栋栋摩天大楼拔地而起。Across London, no fewer than 237 skyscrapers are being built or have permission…

学个词 – 2143. reimburse

今天我们要学的词是 reimburse. Reimburse 动词,有退钱,报销的意思。AT&T’s wireless division will reimburse customers for unlawfully billing their accounts. 美国AT&T公司的无线服务部门因非法收费,将把钱退还给用户。为留住人才,高科技公司各出奇招。Facebook offers to reimburse employees up to $20,000 worth of reproduction-related costs over the course of…

学个词 – 2142. drill

今天我们要学的词是 drill. Drill 演习。Fire drill 火灾演练。Military drill 军事演习。Millions of people in California participated in an earthquake drill last week. 美国加州上星期有成百上千万人参加了地震演练。埃博拉病毒在美国本土的出现,让很多医院都进入备战状态。Some hospitals have had emergency drills to make sure they know…

学个词 – 2141. handheld

今天我们要学的词是 handheld. Handheld 做形容词,意思是手持的。Some U.S. airports have begun using handheld, no-touch thermometers to conduct Ebola screenings. 一些美国机场开始使用手持,无需接触的体温计来进行埃博拉疫情监控。美国44个州和哥伦比亚特区都有规定,禁止开车发短信,然而,Talking on a handheld cell phone while driving is banned in only 14 states…

学个词 – 2140. do-it-yourself 

今天我们要学的词是 do-it-yourself. Do-it-yourself 三个词中间用横杠相连,做形容词,意思是自己动手的。随着流感季节的临近,A new study suggests that a do-it-yourself flu vaccine is as effective as one administered by health workers. 最新研究显示,自己接种流感疫苗跟由医务工作者接种一样有效。Experts predict more creative do-it-yourself costumes this Halloween. 有关专家预计,今年的万圣节会有更多人选择自己动手做万圣节服装。好的,今天我们学习的词是…

学个词 – 2138. rampant

今天我们要学的词是 rampant. Rampant 形容词,意思是蔓延的,猖獗的。一份最新调研报告显示,Sexual harassment is rampant in the U.S. restaurant industry. 性骚扰的情况在美国餐馆行业里十分常见。金正恩不久前连续一个多月没有公开露面。Kim Jong Un’s absence from the public eye led to rampant speculation. 金正恩久不露面,引起了外界的各种猜测。世界卫生组织上周表示,Ebola is still rampant in West…