Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2120. negligent

今天我们要学的词是 negligent. Negligent 形容词,意思是疏忽的,过失的。A federal judge ruled that BP was grossly negligent in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. 一位联邦法官裁决,英国石油公司在2010年深水地平线钻井平台灾难性事故中有严重过失。South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius was acquitted of murder charges but found…

学个词 – 2118. override

今天我们要学的词是 override. Override 动词,有推翻的意思,过去时是 overrode。Missouri lawmakers overrode Governor Nixon’s veto to pass the law, requiring women to wait 72 hours before getting an abortion. 密苏里州议员推翻了尼克松州长的否决,通过立法,要求女性在堕胎前必须等待72小时。八月份的时候,San Diego City Council voted to…

学个词 – 2117. broaden

今天我们要学的词是 broaden. Broaden 动词,有扩大的意思。美国最新民调显示,A majority of Americans now support broadening U.S. military air strikes against ISIL, also known as ISIS. 如今,美国多数人都支持加大对被称为ISIL或ISIS的伊斯兰国激进分子的空中打击力度。为了对克里姆林宫继续施压,美国总统奥巴马上周四发表声明说,”We will deepen and broaden sanctions in Russia’s financial, energy…

学个词 – 2116. heartbroken

今天我们要学的词是 heartbroken. Heartbroken 形容词,意思是伤心的,心碎的。苏格兰9月18号全民公决,决定是否从英国独立出去。British Prime Minister David Cameron said he would be heartbroken if Scotland leaves the UK. 英国首相卡梅伦说,如果苏格兰脱离英国,他会心碎的。英国最近的一项研究发现,Being heartbroken can impair the immune system of old people, making them…

学个词 – 2113. laid-off

今天我们要学的词是 laid-off. Laid-off 是形容词,意思是被解雇的,下岗的。美国大西洋赌城最近会有三家赌场先后关门,共造成约八千多人失业。The newly laid-off casino workers lined up last week to file for unemployment benefits. 新近失业的赌场员工上周开始排队申请失业补贴。Alabama won a $60,000 federal grant to set up a mobile career center…

学个词 – 2112. intimidate

今天我们要学的词是 intimidate. Intimidate 是威胁恐吓的意思。A Las Vegas grand jury indicted a man for intimidating police officers using Facebook. 美国拉斯维加斯一个大陪审团对一名男子提出起诉,罪名是在脸书上对警察进行威胁恐吓。美国第二名记者被砍头的视频曝光后,President Obama said the United States will not be intimidated by Islamic State…

学个词 – 2110. offline

今天我们要学的词是 offline. Offline 离线的,下线的。从表面看,社交媒体本应促进意见交流,然而,美国皮尤研究中心最近的一项研究发现,Social media may in fact discourage people from expressing their opinions on controversial issues, even when they are offline. 社交媒体事实上可能会阻止人们就存在争议的问题发表看法,即便他们下线后也是如此。不久前,Several gaming services in North America were knocked…

学个词 – 2109. domestic violence

今天我们要学的词是 domestic violence. Domestic violence 家庭暴力。美国布法罗大学研究人员对634对夫妻进行调查发现,The more they smoked marijuana, the less likely they were to engage in domestic violence. 他们大麻抽得越频繁,越不太会发生家庭暴力。美国一个移民委员会最近裁定,A married woman who fled domestic violence in Guatemala, where…

学个词 – 2108. permanent

今天我们要学的词是 permanent. Permanent 永久的。Both sides in the Gaza Strip conflict agreed to a truce as well as to a permanent cease fire agreement last week. 加沙地带冲突双方上周同意停火,并达成永久性停火协议。联合国的一项草案报告称,全球气候变暖是人类行为造成的,可能会给人类生存环境造成不可逆转的变化。Possible permanent changes include the…