Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2107. insurance

今天我们要学的词是 insurance. Insurance 保险。美国旧金山湾区发生六级地震后,是否购买地震保险再次成为热门话题。统计数字显示,In California, only about 10 percent of homeowners have earthquake insurance. 在加州,只有大约10%的房主购买了地震保险。保费太高是很多加州居民不愿购买地震保险的一个主要原因。The average annual cost of buying earthquake insurance is about $800 in California. 加州地震保险的平均保费每年大约800美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 insurance, insurance,…

学个词 – 2101. unidentified

今天我们要学的词是 unidentified. Unidentified 未经确认的,身份不明的。不久前,Social media was abuzz with pictures of an unidentified object lighting up Houston’s sky. 休斯顿夜空出现不明物体,照片在社交媒体上传得沸沸扬扬。An unidentified patient was being tested in Sacramento California for Ebola virus. 美国加州萨克拉门托一个身份未经公开的患者正在接受测试,看他是否感染了埃博拉病毒。好的,今天我们学习的词是…

学个词 – 2100. indoor

今天我们要学的词是 indoor. Indoor 做为形容词,意思是室内的。Hersheypark will open a unique indoor roller coaster next Spring. 美国的好时公园定于明年春天推出一个新的别具一格的室内翻滚过山车。China’s first indoor professional football league will begin playing in 2015. 中国第一个室内职业橄榄球联盟2015年开始比赛。The Indoor football league will begin…

学个词 – 2098. committed

今天我们要学的词是 committed. Committed 做为形容词,意思是坚定不移的。President Obama said the United States is committed to working on containing the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. 美国总统奥巴马说,美国要坚定地致力于将西非爆发的埃博拉疫情控制住。尽管俄罗斯和乌克兰关系持续紧张,但是,Ukraine’s national oil and gas company Naftogaz says it’s…

学个词 – 2097. promise

今天我们要学的词是 promise. Promise 做为名词,是希望和前途的意思。The newly recruited quarterback showed a lot of promise during training camp. 新招进来的四分位球员在赛前训练营里参加训练时,看起来很有潜力,前途无量。一项最新研究显示,Injecting a common bacteria species into tumors holds real promise in treating cancer. 给肿瘤注射一种很常见的细菌,做为治疗癌症的手段,前景相当看好。好的,今天我们学习的词是 promise,…

学个词 – 2096. disagreement

今天我们要学的词是 disagreement. Disagreement 是分歧的意思。Texas Governor Rick Perry has a disagreement with the Obama Administration over using unmanned aircraft along the Texas-Mexico border. 在使用无人驾驶飞机监控德州和墨西哥边境地带的问题上,德克萨斯州州长佩里和奥巴马政府存在意见分歧。U.S. Representative Kerry Bentivolio returned an award from…

学个词 – 2095. relocate

今天我们要学的词是 relocate. Relocate 动词,是迁移,搬家的意思。The Obama administration is exploring ways to prevent U.S. businesses from relocating abroad to save money on taxes. 美国政府正在寻找办法,看如何才能让美国公司不为节省纳税的钱而把公司迁往国外。与此同时,The drugstore chain Walgreen has dropped its plan to…

学个词 – 2094. wearable

今天我们要学的词是 wearable. Wearable 形容词,意思是可以穿戴的。From fitness trackers to smart watches, wearable hi-tech gadgets are a booming business. 从健身数据追踪器到智能手表,可穿戴的各种高技术小工具格外畅销。如今,就连新出生的婴儿也成了可穿戴智能工具的消费者。A new wearable baby monitor can track factors like heartbeat, body temperature and a…

学个词 – 2093. biofuel

今天我们要学的词是 biofuel. Biofuel 生物燃料。Boeing is teaming up with South African Airways to power planes with biofuel derived from a new breed of tobacco plant. 波音和南非航空公司合作,将一种特殊的烟草植物转化为用于飞机的生物燃料。联合国粮农组织和经合组织发表报告说,Global biofuel production more than doubled…