This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English AgricultureReport.
Raising chickens or other birds for their eggs and meat is apopular family and business activity almost everywhere in the world.The birds eat grain, seeds and grasses. They also eat small piecesof food that people throw away. Many of these materials would bewasted if the birds did not eat them. Chicken eggs and meat containhigh quality protein and other substances important in the humandiet.
For many centuries, chickens were allowed to run free to findfood for themselves. Then people used fences to keep small groups ofbirds from running away. After the chickens were kept inside afence, people had to provide food for them.
Early in the last century, raising flocks of thousands of birdsbecame a successful business for many people. But the size of theseflocks caused some serious problems, including pollution caused bychicken waste.
Disease is one of the biggestproblems in large flocks. The birds are kept close together all thetime. So if one bird becomes sick, the sickness spreads. All thechickens in a flock can die from a serious disease. Avian flu, forexample, can in some cases also spread to humans.
Diseases that affect chickens are different in different areas ofthe world. One current example in Asia is an outbreak of avian fluin South Korea. Troops have been helping to kill and bury chickensand ducks that became infected at farms in North ChungcheongProvince.
To help prevent disease, experts advise these steps: Feed thebirds a balanced diet. This will help them resist infections. Do notadd adult birds to your flocks. If you must add adult birds, keepthem separate from the flock for five to fifteen days to make surethey are healthy.
Cover the floor of the buildings where the chickens are kept withmaterial like straw, rice husks or sawdust. Change this materialoften.
After you sell the chickens, completely empty the building wherethey were kept. Clean and wash the building. Then leave it empty forfour weeks before putting in new chickens.
Diseases affecting birds are not simple to understand and treat,so expert medical advice is important. You can get more informationabout caring for chickens and other birds from Volunteers inTechnical Assistance. VITA is on the Internet at v-i-t-a dot o-r-g.
This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by GaryGarriott. This is Steve Ember.