I’m Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

The use of pesticides was an important part of the “GreenRevolution,” the movement that changed modern agriculture. Poisonscan kill crop-eating insects, unwanted plants and harmful fungi. Butthese chemicals can also spread into the environment and killhelpful organisms.

Integrated pest management looks for a combination of methods tosolve problems or prevent them.

Controlling pests starts with identification. Some kinds ofinsects, for example, look very similar. It is important to find outexactly what kind of pest is causing the damage and how much it hasdeveloped.

This first step can help farmers make other decisions. Forexample, no action may be needed if the problem is minor. Or,chemical treatments may not be needed if other methods can do thesame job.

The University of California has had a Statewide Integrated PestManagement Program since nineteen seventy-nine. Experts have createdguidelines that can help farmers create crop protection plans.

A good way to understand how these guidelines work is to look ata pest management program for a single crop. For example, alfalfa isan important food for farm animals, but also a target of many pests.

Alfalfa fields can support many biological controls. These arehelpful insects and organisms that attack pests. If pesticides areneeded, they must be chosen carefully. Use of the wrong poison willdestroy helpful organisms and permit other pests to move in. Birdscan also serve as important biological controls.

The way alfalfa is harvested can have a big effect, too.Harvesting parts of a field at different times can limit the spreadof pests. Keeping a border of unharvested alfalfa by open water canalso help.

Developed nations are the largest users of pesticides. But theFood and Agriculture Organization says the pesticide market in thosecountries is slowing or shrinking. The United Nations agency saysseveral countries have set up programs to reduce pesticide usebecause of environmental concerns.

Today, many agriculture departments at universities teachintegrated pest management methods.

Internet users can learn more about the Statewide Integrated PestManagement Program at the University of California atipm.ucdavis.edu. Or you can find a link at WWW.VOA-STORY.COM

This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by MarioRitter. I’m Gwen Outen.