我想大家都熟悉fight个词。它的意思是斗争、搏斗或者奋斗。你也许还听过这样一个谚语: he who fights and runs away will live to fight another day。这个谚语显然是说:生活中斗争是无可避免的。既然人生本是一场搏斗,fight这个词组成的习惯用语当然就特别多。我们从今天开始要选几个常用的一一介绍。第一个是:fight tooth and nail。Fight tooth and nail其实是fight with teeth and nails这个习惯用语的简略形式。大家可能已经知道tooth是牙齿,nail是指甲。 要是打架的时候又咬又抓的,那可真是使尽浑身解数的一场恶斗。

下面有个例子是说明fight tooth and nail怎样应用在实际生活中的。这段话说Susan由于是女性而在公司里不得重用,她据理力争,控告这家公司性别歧视。

例句-1:When Susan took her case against the company to court, people in the office were afraid to testify on her behalf. But she went ahead anyhow, fought tooth and nail, and she won.


所以fight tooth and nail是全力拼搏的意思。我们再来听个例子,这段话说的是一个小城镇对抗强大的中央政府旨意,反对在他们附近建造核能发电厂的规划。

例句-2:The townspeople fought tooth and nail against the government’s plan to build the plant. They won the fight. The government had to give up the plan.


这儿fight tooth and nail是拼命抵制的意思。这个习惯用语往往用来说在势单力薄的情况下竭尽全力拼命奋战。


我们再来学一个习惯用语: fight to the bitter end。Bitter end有一种特殊的意义。船员把船尾系锚绳的柱子叫bitt。系在这柱子上的锚绳的尽头称为bitter end。所以to the bitter end就是到了尽头,再没有多余的绳索了。我们来听个例子,说的是一位老太太和开发商苦苦纠缠好几年,坚持要保住自己的房子,不肯拆迁。

例句-3:Mrs. Brown fought to the bitter end to keep her house, the only one left after the developers tore down all the others. But after five years she gave up and took the money.


从这个例子看来fight to the bitter end意思是历尽艰辛、苦斗到最后关头。


例句-4:A lot of Americans fought to the bitter end to keep the country from getting into World War Two. But after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, America had no choice but to go to war.


这儿fought to the bitter end还是解释坚持不懈、斗争到最后关头。