今天我们要学的词是 buy out. Buy out 收购。U.S. telecom giant Verizon plans to make a $100 billion bid to buy out Verizon Wireless. 美国电讯行业巨头威瑞森打算出一千亿美元,收购威瑞森无线业务的所有权。The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection plans to buy out 1,000 properties devastated by Hurricane Sandy. 新泽西州环保署计划收购遭受飓风桑迪严重破坏的一千栋住宅。Dell’s founder Michael Dell and a private equity house plan to buy out the world’s No.3 PC maker. 戴尔公司创始人迈克尔.戴尔和一家私人股权公司打算收购戴尔公司这个世界第三大的个人电脑生产厂商。好的,今天我们学习的词是 buy out, buy out, buy out…