今天我们要学的词是 set to. Set to, 即将,准备好。共和党占多数的美国众议院设法阻止为奥巴马的全民健保计划拨款, House Republicans proposed a new plan that includes a one-year delay in the health-care law, which is set to take effect on October 1st. 众议院共和党人提出一项新计划,将本该在今年10月1号开始的全民健保计划的开始日期推迟一年。NBC is set to launch a week-long series entitled “Ready or Not, the New Health Care” to help Americans get the most out of the Affordable Care Act. 全国广播公司将开始为期一周的特别节目“准备好了吗?全民健保”, 旨在帮助美国民众更好地利用这个法案。好的,今天我们学习的词是set to, set to, set to.