今天我们要学的词是 justify. Justify 动词,有提出辩护的意思。Poland’s officials cited security concerns to justify a move to collect data on foreigners in the country. 波兰官员以安全考虑为由,为针对波兰境内外国人收集数据的做法提出辩护 。The former CIA director, John Brennan, said there were enough contacts between members of the Trump campaign and Moscow by last summer to justify the investigation by the FBI. 前美国中央情报局局长布伦南说,截止去年夏天川普竞选团队与莫斯科之间的接触,已足以让联邦调查局有理由就此展开调查了。好的,我们今天学习的词是 justify, justify, justify…