今天我们要学的词是assail。Assail动词,意思是 抨击、质问 。Women’s health advocates have assailed the plans put forward by congressional Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act, saying they would cause harm to half the adult population. 女性健康的倡导者们抨击了由国会共和党人提出的替代《平价医疗法案》的方案,他们说这些方案会给一半成年人口造成伤害。In India, critics assailed a government proposal to build 100 waste-fueled power plants, saying the plan is against the nation’s efforts to cut air pollution. 在印度,批评人士抨击了政府就建造100座垃圾焚烧发电厂的提议,称这个计划违背了印度减少空气污染的努力。好的,我们今天学习的词是assail, assail, assail…