今天我们要学的词是connect。Connect动词,意思是联系、关联。On Twitter, Donald Trump Jr. connected the shooting to the recent controversy over a version of the play “Julius Caesar” that features the assassination of a ruler who resembles Donald Trump. 小唐纳德·川普在推特上将枪击事件和最近由改版戏剧《凯撒大帝》引发的争议事件联系起来,这部剧主要演绎的是行刺一名长得很像唐纳德·川普的统治者。Michelle Carter, 20, is on trial on a charge of involuntary manslaughter that is connected with the death of her boyfriend Conrad Roy III. 20岁的米歇尔·卡特因为过失杀人的指控接受审判,此项罪名与她的男友康拉德·罗伊的死亡相关联。好的,我们今天学习的词是connect, connect, connect…