今天我们要学的词是sweltering。Sweltering形容词,意思是闷热的、酷热的。Besides the eight undocumented immigrants that were found dead inside a sweltering truck in San Antonio, two more people who had been hospitalized have died, making it one of the deadliest human smuggling cases in recent history. 除了在圣安东尼奥一辆闷热卡车里发现的八名已经死亡的无证移民外,另有两人在入院就医后死亡,使这成为了近来历史上死亡最惨重的人口走私案件之一。St. Louis will install temporary air conditioners in a sweltering city jail after temperatures in the city topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit, triggering protests outside the prison. 圣路易斯将在酷热的城市监狱里安装临时空调,此前该城市温度达到100华氏度(约38摄氏度),在监狱外引发了抗议活动。 好的,我们今天学习的词是sweltering, sweltering, sweltering…