今天我们要学的词是commemorate。Commemorate动词,意思是庆祝、纪念。 U.S. President Donald Trump said it is “so foolish” for American cities to be removing statues commemorating Confederate generals and soldiers who fought on the losing side of the country’s 19th century Civil War. 美国总统唐纳德·川普表示美国城市移除纪念南方将领和士兵的雕塑“很愚蠢”,这些人生前在美国十九世纪的南北内战中为战败方效力。 Statues commemorating “comfort women” who were forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers in WWII were installed on five buses in Seoul, South Korea. 在韩国首尔,有五辆公交车上安装了雕塑来纪念“慰安妇”,她们在第二次世界大战期间被迫成为日本军人的性奴隶。 好的,我们今天学习的词是commemorate, commemorate, commemorate…