今天我们要学的词组是data breach。Data breach,意思是数据泄漏。In the US, a data breach at Equifax, one of the country’s three major credit reporting agencies, left driver’s license numbers and other sensitive information for 143 million people vulnerable to hackers. 在美国,三大主要信评机构之一的Equifax发生数据泄漏,导致1.43亿人的驾照号码及其他敏感信息暴露在黑客攻击之下。In Singapore, AXA Insurance’s data breach affected users of its health portal including past customers. 在新加坡,安盛保险公司的数据泄漏会影响到其健保系统的用户,这也包括过去的客户。 好的,我们今天学习的词组是data breach, data breach, data breach…