今天我们要学的词是gravely。Gravely副词,意思是严重得、严肃得。With three northern white rhinos left in the world, the only male is gravely ill, raising fears the subspecies is getting closer to extinction. 全世界仅剩的三头北部白犀牛中,唯一的雄性病入膏肓,增加了人们对于这个亚种群更进一步趋向灭绝的担忧。Canada is gravely concerned by the imprisonment of two Reuters journalists in Myanmar, Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland told the UN Human Rights Council. 加拿大外交部长方慧兰对联合国人权理事会表示,两名路透社记者在缅甸遭到拘禁一事令加拿大深感关切。好的,我们今天学习的词是gravely, gravely, gravely…