今天我们要学的词是turmoil. Turmoil 名词,意思是混乱。A suicide-attack against the headquarters of the Libyan electoral commission has thrown plans for parliamentary and presidential elections into turmoil. 利比亚选举委员会受到的自杀式袭击让利比亚的国会和总统选举计划陷入了混乱状态。The Swedish Academy decided not to give the Nobel Prize for Literature this year because of a sexual misconduct scandal that has caused turmoil in its ranks. 鉴于性丑闻在瑞典学院内部引起的混乱,瑞典学院决定今年暂停颁发诺贝尔文学奖。好的,我们今天学习的词是 turmoil, turmoil, turmoil …