今天我们要学的词是logistics. Logistics作为名词,有后勤保障的意思。The Defense Department is trying to figure out the logistics for how to provide up to 20,000 temporary beds for the immigrant children. 美国国防部正在研究如何保证为2万个移民孩子提供临时床铺。U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton met with Russian officials to work out logistics, including the date, time, and location for the planned summit between Trump and Putin. 美国国家安全顾问博尔顿会见俄罗斯官员,为计划进行的川普和普京的峰会做细致安排,包括会面日期、时间和地点等。好的,我们今天学习的词是 logistics, logistics, logistics …