今天我们要学的词是repeal. To repeal 意思是废止,放弃。Voters in Ireland went to the polls last Friday to decide whether to keep or repeal a constitutional amendment banning abortions in most cases. 爱尔兰选民上周五前往投票站,决定保留还是放弃在大多数情况下禁止堕胎的宪法修正案。Companies like Amazon and Starbucks have pledged donations toward an effort to repeal Seattle’s newly passed tax on large employers intended to combat homelessness. 亚马逊和星巴克等公司捐款,努力推翻西雅图新通过的一项税法,这一税法要求大公司多交税来解决无家可归者的救助问题。好的,我们今天学习的词是 repeal, repeal, repeal …