今天我们要学的词是rescind. Rescind作为动词,有撤销,废除的意思。The Trump administration has rescinded policies that direct colleges and universities to increase diversity by considering race in college admissions. 川普政府废除了要求大学在录取过程中考虑种族因素以便提升学生多元化的政策。Amnesty International called on the Ugandan government to rescind a new tax on social media access, calling it an attempt to smother dissent disguised as a measure to raise revenue. 国际特赦组织呼吁乌干达政府撤销对使用社交媒体征税的做法,称这是以增加税收为由打压异己声音。好的,我们今天学习的词是rescind, rescind, rescind …