今天我们要学的词是 prop up。

Prop up的原意是指托住、支撑,以免倒塌,引申出来有帮助、鼓励、支持的意思。The US Department of Agriculture has proposed to spend US$4.7 billion to prop up farmers hurt by tariffs, 美国农业部计划拿出47亿美元帮助农民,以减轻关税造成的痛苦。Prop up 多带有临时性,例如China looks to prop up its currency as it heads for a record losing streak,人民币创纪录的跌势让中国考虑出手支撑。The company would go bankrupt if the government didn’t prop it up with special tax breaks,如果不是政府给予特殊的税收优惠支持,这个公司就会破产。我们今天学习的词是prop up, prop up, prop up…