今天我们要学的词是 gripe.

Gripe 的意思是抱怨,特别是对一些微不足道的事情。

Former President Barack Obama griped about the media and Fox News on Friday, returning to old complaints he had expressed as president. 美国前总统奥巴马近日发泄对新闻媒体和福克斯新闻台的不满,又回到他身为总统时的陈词老调。

A new National Assembly bill might let the Vietnamese government to ask internet providers to share information about what users say online, which could extend to people’s everyday gripes. 越南一项新的国民议会法案可能会允许政府要求互联网提供商分享用户的网上言论,这可能会包括人们日常的抱怨。