今天我们要学的词是 implication.

Implication 的意思是没有明说的,暗指的。 The World Health Organization is creating a panel to study the implications of gene editing after a Chinese scientist claimed to have created the world’s first genetically edited babies. 在一位中国科学家声称经他进行基因编辑的第一对婴儿诞生之后,世界卫生组织正成立一个小组来研究人类基因编辑的影响。

Chinese consumer spending has shifted away from luxury brands, which could have big implications for retailers who’ve been catering to them. 中国消费者开始不再购买奢侈品牌,这可能对那些一直在为他们提供服务零售商产生重大影响。