今天我们要学的词是 myriad.

myriad 的意思是无数的、众多的,五花八门。Russian President Vladimir Putin has told U.S. President Donald Trump in a New Year’s letter that the Kremlin is “open to dialogue” on the myriad issues hindering relations between their countries. 俄罗斯总统普京在给美国总统特朗普的新年贺信中表示,克里姆林宫愿意就妨碍两国关系的众多问题“展开对话”。

China and Vietnam share myriad similarities, among them is high, export-led economic growth after both countries began privatization in the 1980s. 中国和越南有着无数的相似之处,包括两国在20世纪80年代实行私有化之后出现的以出口为主导的经济增长。