今天我们要学的词是 avert.

avert 的意思是避免,转移(视线)。China’s factory activity shrank in December for the first time in more than two years, intensifying pressure on Beijing to reverse an economic slowdown and avert massive job losses. 中国12月份的制造业数据出现两年多来的首次萎缩,给北京带来要扭转经济放缓、避免大量失业的更大压力。

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s government cut internet connections and SMS services across the country to avert ‘chaos’ before the presidential election result. 刚果民主共和国政府中断了全国的互联网和短信服务,以避免在总统选举结果出来之前出现“混乱局面”。