今天我们要学的词是 resolute.

resolute 的意思是下定决心,坚决的。Former U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned that the United States “must be resolute and unambiguous” in its approach to countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with the U.S.. 美国前国防部长吉姆·马蒂斯警告说,美国在对待那些与美国的战略利益冲突日益紧张的国家时“必须坚定而毫不含糊”。

The U.S government is partially closed with no end in sight as President Donald Trump resolutely demands funding for border wall construction while Democratic lawmakers continue to rule it out. 由于美国总统特朗普坚决要求为边界墙建设提供资金,而民主党议员们继续无视这一要求,美国政府部分关闭的情况仍无望结束。