今天我们要学的词是 slew.

Slew的常用法是 a slew of,指一大堆、一系列的。US State Department officials have reportedly held a slew of meetings with their North Korean counterparts in Hanoi recently, fueling speculation that the Vietnamese capital will host the second summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. 据报道,美国国务院官员最近在河内与朝方举行了一系列会谈,这越发让人猜测美国总统特朗普与朝鲜领导人金正恩的第二次峰会将在越南首都举行。

Apple’s $1,000 iPhone is a tough sell to Chinese consumers, who have a slew of cheaper smartphones from homegrown competitors to choose from. 苹果的1000美元iPhone很难让中国消费者买单,因为他们有一系列来自苹果竞争对手的更便宜的国产智能手机可供选择。