今天我们要学的词是 allay.

Allay 的意思是缓和、缓冲。The new U.S. cyber-strategy seeks to allay some national security concerns by promoting responsible behavior in cyberspace and urging nations to adhere to a set of norms. 新的美国网络战略旨在通过促进网络空间的负责任行为并敦促各国遵守一系列规范来缓解一些国家安全问题。

The White House has sent national security adviser John Bolton on a mission to allay Israel’s concerns about President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria. 白宫派遣国家安全顾问博尔顿出征,设法减轻以色列对特朗普总统决定从叙利亚撤军的担忧。