今天我们要学的词是 flashpoint.

flashpoint 的意思是燃点、爆发点。 The Pakistani Prime Minister accused India of planning military action in the disputed Kashmir region that has long been a flashpoint between the two nuclear-armed neighbors. 巴基斯坦总理指责印度计划在有争议的克什米尔地区采取军事行动,这里长期以来一直是印、巴两个拥有核武器的邻国之间的冲突爆发点。

The town of Ferguson, Missouri became a flashpoint for America’s struggles with race and poverty after a black teenager was shot and killed by a local white police officer five years ago. 自从密苏里州弗格森镇五年前发生一名黑人少年被当地白人警察开枪打死的事件之后,那里已成为美国有关种族和贫困问题的一触即发的热点。