今天我们要学的词是 flout.

flout 的意思是蔑视、藐视。 Almost two dozen former Polish ambassadors are telling U.S. President Donald Trump that Poland’s democracy is at risk, and are urging him to pressure the country’s government to respect human rights and stop flouting the constitution. 近二十几名前波兰大使告诉美国总统特朗普,波兰民主面临危险,并敦促他向波兰政府施压,要求他们尊重人权,不许藐视宪法。

The Haryana State Pollution Control Board in India has given notices to private hospitals for allegedly flouting biomedical waste disposal norms. 印度哈里亚纳邦污染控制委员会向一些涉嫌藐视生物医学废物处理规范的私人医院发出通知。