今天我们要学的词是 protracted.

protracted 的意思是旷日持久的,经久不衰的。 China has announced a tariff exemption withdrawing duties as high as 72 percent on U.S.-produced pork, one of many tariffs Beijing imposed on American agricultural products amid a protracted trade war with Washington. 中国宣布减免对美国生产的猪肉征收高达72%的关税,这是北京在与华盛顿的贸易持久战中对美国农产品征收的众多关税之一。

Zimbabwe’s former ruler Robert Mugabe outlived most of his countrymen, but his protracted and long life was constructed upon inflicting enormous suffering upon his people and country. 津巴布韦的前统治者穆加贝比他的大多数同胞活得时间都长,但他的长寿是建立在给他的人民和国家带来的巨大痛苦之上。