今天我们要学的词是 fiasco.

fiasco 的意思是彻底失败,惨败。 The date and terms of Brexit remain uncertain three years after Britain voted to leave the European Union, but British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is determined to end the fiasco by October, 31st. 在英国投票决定退出欧盟三年后,英国脱欧的日期和条件仍然不确定,但英国首相约翰逊下定决心在10月31日前结束这一败局。

The University of California’s new human resources system that cost around $500 million to implement has become a fiasco after UC employees, including many students, began reporting skipped or late paychecks. 加州大学耗资5亿美元的新的人力资源系统已经彻底失败,之前包括许多学生在内的员工报告他们的工资未发或迟发。