今天我们要学的词是 descend.

descend 作为动词,意思是下降、下落。 As Ukraine’s conflict with pro-Russian separatists drags on, the country has descended into the chaos of uncontrolled use of force by radical groups and transformed into a supermarket for the international arms trade. 随着乌克兰与俄罗斯分离主义者的冲突持续不断,乌克兰陷入了各激进组织毫无节制动用武力的混乱之中,并变成了国际武器贸易的超级市场。

descend 也可以指四处蔓延,遍布。Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in Pakistan descended on the capital of Islamabad Friday, determined to send the sitting prime minister home. 星期五,成千上万名巴基斯坦反政府示威者从四面八方来到首都伊斯兰堡,决心将现任总理赶下台。