今天我们要学的词是 ramshackle.

ramshackle 的意思是摇摇欲坠的,东倒西歪的。 The activist group Human Rights Watch says Bangladesh has left refugee Rohingya children with little more than informal classes in ramshackle facilities often taught by unqualified instructors. 人权活动组织“人权观察”说,孟加拉国给罗兴亚难民儿童提供的是摇摇欲坠的设施里的非正式的教学班,而且通常由不合格的教师来教。

At least nine people were trampled to death and two others injured as a result of a police raid in Sao Paulo’s Paraisopolis, one of the Brazilian city’s biggest areas of ramshackle houses and unpaved roads. 巴西警方对圣保罗最大的一个土路相连的棚户区帕拉伊索波利斯进行突袭,导致至少9人在踩踏中丧生,另有两人受伤。