今天我们要学的词是 bluff.

bluff 的意思是虚张声势、唬人。 U.S. President Donald Trump appears to be calling North Korea’s bluff on its end-of-year deadline for nuclear negotiations, prompting some analysts to worry that Pyongyang’s threats should be taken more seriously. 美国总统特朗普似乎对朝鲜提出限于年底前进行核谈判这个虚张声势的要求不买账,这让一些分析人士担心,是否应更为慎重地对待平壤的威胁。

Before Mexico agreed to take “strong measures” to stop migrants heading toward the U.S., President Donald Trump said he was not bluffing about imposing 5% tariffs on Mexican imports if it did not help. 在墨西哥同意采取“强有力的措施”阻止移民前往美国之前,特朗普总统表示他所说的如果墨西哥不提供帮助,就会对其进口产品征收5%的关税并不是吓唬人。