今天我们要学的词是 hamstring.

hamstring 作为动词时常用于被动语态,意思是受阻、受限,不起作用。 Former California prosecutor Kamala Harris’ presidential bid was hamstrung by her failure to counter attacks regarding contradictions between her record and her policy positions. 加州前检察长哈里斯竞选总统的努力难以继续,原因是她没有回应有关她的行事记录与她的政策立场有矛盾的攻击。

In a competitive global economy, employers must be able to adapt to meet market demands. Unfortunately, high pension costs have hamstrung the ability to adapt for many companies and state and local governments. 在竞争激烈的全球经济中,企业主必须要适应市场需求。不幸的是,退休金的高昂成本阻碍了许多公司以及州和地方政府的适应能力。