这次事件发生的几分钟前,奥巴马总统在五角大楼附近发表讲话。奥巴马出席了纪念911恐怖攻击8周年的仪式。2001年的恐怖攻击造成将近3千人丧生。海军中将柯里尔说,由于媒体报导, 联邦航空管理局一度禁止飞机从波多马克河边的里根国际机场起飞。
The head of the U.S. Coast Guard says officials will review training procedures after a scare on the eight anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The television network CNN initially reported Friday that the Coast Guard fired ten shots at a suspicious boat on the Potomac River in Washington.But Vice Admiral John Currier says no shots were fired during what was a routine training exercise.
The event took place just minutes after President Barack Obama spoke nearby at the Pentagon. Mr. Obama was attending a ceremony to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001.Currier says because of the media reports, the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily kept aircraft on the ground at Reagan National Airport, next to the Potomac.