

拉丁美洲一些国家的代表说,针对毒品的“严打”机制,并没有奏效,并在全球范围内造成数以千计的人死亡。这些代表呼吁联合国接受让一些 “软性” 毒品合法化的趋势。与此同时,包括俄罗斯在内的一些国家的代表对美国让大麻某些使用合法化的方案,表示担忧。

A United Nations special session met Tuesday to discuss global drug policy — the first U.N. meeting on the subject in nearly 20 years.

Global leaders debated an international trend toward more liberal drug laws, with countries across the board agreeing that the drug problem needs to be addressed, but deeply divided on how to do that.

A number of Latin American countries said an aggressive war on drugs has failed, leading to thousands of lives being destroyed worldwide. These leaders urged the U.N. to accept the trend to legalize soft drugs, while other member states such as Russia remained wary of the United States’ push to regulate access to marijuana.